Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Some selected reviews of Dark Moon

Reviews of Dark Moon

It is such a lovely rendition of New Moon.

There is a passage in there that has haunted me constantly since I read your words. Edward doesn't breathe for weeks after leaving Bella - only to keep her scent cradled within his body. That imagery, that intensity of his love and desire for her was so gripping, I can't let it go. That alone spoke to the power of your words!

Mortangel, (A Twilight Saga fan site reader).

I am very grateful for you have allowed me to translate this fascinating
story to Portuguese.

The quality of your writing and the wealth of emotions that accompany his
words touched me to the point of wanting to share with the people in my
country your beautiful story.

Thank you! From the heart!! And I beg of you to write ECLIPSE Edward POV.

Sandy Meirelles (Fan Fiction Website and Translator of Dark Moon into Portuguese)


An intriguing and emotional journey all the way through!

You portray Edward’s emotions brilliantly, as if they were your own. This book is a great accomplishment on which you can be insanely proud!

I loved reading every word of it!

Francka Van Putten


An awesome story.

It captures Edward’s feelings so precisely that it gave me goosebumps.

I was honored to be one of the editors of this emotional story.

I was intrigued by each chapter.

Dark Moon really shows what Edward goes through in New Moon - the pain, the suffering, and it is all really realistic.Every Twilight Saga lover should definitely read Dark Moon [Edward’s New Moon].

Liandel Wouters (Co-Editor)



The Twilight Saga’s: New Moon by Stephanie Meyer is written in the character Bella’s perspective. Dark Moon [Edward’s New Moon] is a fan fiction story written by myself (Sophie Kellett-Beament) is my interpretation of New Moon from Edward’s Perspective.

Disclaimer: All the Characters belong to Stephanie Meyer. I am not Stephanie Meyer, and I do not own any of The Twilight Saga’s characters or plotlines. I have used some of Stephanie’s dialogue and storyline from New Moon; however the rest of the story is my own from Edward’s perspective.

Also, please note that the writing in italics are thoughts.

If you would like to contact me, you can email me at darkmoon.edwardsnewmoon@googlemail.com